Just Juice Monday – Cantaloupe & Mint Juice

It’s Monday again! Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! Mine was about one word – tennis…..actually playing tennis. I can barely move today, my legs are so sore, but this is a different story :) Today the key ingredient is one of my all time favorite fruit – cantaloupe (rock melon as we call it in Australia). This juicy, sweet melon is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene antioxidants and a good source of potassium. Combine it with some pears, limes and fresh mint and you’ll get the most delicious refresher to start your day.

cantaloupe and mint juice

Cantaloupe and Mint Juice

1/4 cantaloupe, rind and seeds removed

2 pears

2 limes, peeled

2 sprigs fresh mint

cantaloupe and mint juice

Makes 1 serving (16oz) Enjoy!

Have a great week!
